Wednesday 31 December 2008

Which Saiyuki Guy Is Your Best Friend? by black_rose

Which Saiyuki Guy Is Your Best Friend? by black_rose
User Name
Your Best Friend Is..Sha Gojyo
How Did You Two Met?He saved you from a youkai.
How Long Your Friend Know You?Two years
He Falls In Love, So He..Give you a "Together Forever" ring.

Tuesday 30 December 2008

What Bleach Character is Your Baby's Daddy^_^ { Part #5}

How it Happened: As soon as your eyelids fell, your head silently dropped only to be brought back up for your resistance on sleep. You hated whenever this type of sleep began to overwhelem your mind, knowing you seemed rude in a way when your head dropped then brought back up in a moment. Gin watched you go on with your self loathing, always finding your internal battles with sleep at mandatory meetings quite amusing. " You shouldn't do that _____, you know how Aizen acts. ." Gin's awoke you enough for you to come to reality, nodding when you were ready to have a decent conversation with your long time friend. " Yea, I know. .but I don't get it - " His eyes from the corner quickly captured yours as soon as the words left your lips, feeling everything you had in your fade away. The smirk he always held with you still held his legenacy to you, never getting use to the image, resulting into weak knees. " Is there anything you would like to discuss Miss ______. ." You kept your emotions of heat in control, standing up fully without slouching beside Gin. " Nope. ." You knew he hated when one to three sentences answered his question. Just by how his eyes glistened in annoyance you knew it was all over, you one once again in a very short verbal battle. " Please _____, we all are dying to hear what you have to say. " His brown eyes darken in a way that made your heart leap in a way it only did with him. Not wanting to say much, your simple answer to his spot lited question coming out smoothly. " I rather not. ." Just when his golden smirk dropped, you knew it was all over, your game ending on a bad note in his mind and yours. You knew Aizen was upset by your silly games as you saw him let the whole situation go, turning towards the Espada, regaining the topic he left only a moment ago. It hurt you slightly by how he reacted to a small joke you two played upon since you have known him. Shaking it off as if it was nothing, you continued to wander throughout your mind, the time passing as all the voice faded away. The only thing that broke you away from whatever you were thinking about was presence of Gin leaving from beside you, your head moving back up just in time to see Aizen walking towards you. It was natural to feel your heart begining to race when your eyes made contact with his until he stopped, leaning against his stretched table. " Why do you think your above us all _____," You knew he was serious by the way he was acting, hope of anything happening fading away just like his smile. " Being around you is all I need to become cocky, " He snikered at your remark, taking another few steps towards you. There was no threat from him, seeing that you knew him for so long, he wouldn't hurt you in any way. " You think your so cute. ." You shrugged in a knowing way, an arrogant smile protraying your confidence. Your smile soon dropped, only seeing Aizen again when he had you pressed against the stone wall. You tryed to rip away his grasp, only making him have more control when he brought your hands above your head, leaning in until he face was not too far away from yours. " Do you think this is a game ____, " You watched him in confusion, lost from his sudden actions. " A game for what exactly? " Even in this dominanting situation, your confidence gave way, only making Aizen want you more. You saw the wanting in his eyes, seeing he did nothing to hide his sin. You knew he delayed his answer to move closer towards you, his heated breathes exposed on your ear. " Everything you and I have wanted for a very long time. ." You exactly what he meant in his deep whisper, only confused of first person, meaning "I" that refered to him. " I can f*ck you here and now _____. ." His words flowed through his seductive voice, pressing into until he knew you felt something that instantly brought a overwheleming blush to your face. By that, he knew he was finished, moving back little to see the plea of domination in your eyes. " But. .I won't. ." Your hands dropped as soon as he let them go, giving you one last teasing smirk before turning away, heading towards a vacant hallway. " Wait. .what was this Aizen, why did you - " His sadistic chuckle tingled your skin, multiple shivers coming along as he spoke, mocking you. " Because. .I can. ." Silence engulfed everything except your mind, Aizen fadding away in the dark way towards his master room. His words skipped threw your thoughts until the sunlight died away to make a deep crimson. You layed on your soft bed, the cieling showing you images until you pulled away, blinking a couple of time. Anaylsising his words to a T, the realization of him tease came to you. The way he was going to win was to be inside you, inside the place you couldn't escape him. Yet, why? You asked yourself until you felt sick inside. He always had Menoly and Lolly, guessing their were failing on their specific occupations. Making Aizen lean towards you for fulfillment in ways you couldn't give him just for the heat of the moment. After the sky filled with navy, you came to a conclusion. You slowly made your way down the lonely hallway, the wind being the only sound that made its way to your focused ears. It didnt' take you long until his door towered above you. " What are you doing here _____, " Lolly voice overpowered the weak wind, a smile protraying your annoyance. " To see Aizen. .wheres Menoly. ." By her sick grin, you knew everything. Not wanting to hear her once again, your hand turned the knob to his room, fear hidden in your heart. Too your surpise, the room was vacant with whores, Aizen eyes capturing yours when you fully saw his form. Menoly giggled behind you with Lolly, their joke hitting closer to home then you thought it would. Getting one swift look from Aizen, the vanished in speed, knowing it was their time of departure. " Ahh, _____, you here, " His caring voice threw you off guard, slowly shutting the door to hide the blush that formed just by his tone. A small gasp left your lips as his hands slid up and down your shoulders, stopping at the crook of your neck. Knowing what he wanted, you turned to face his smirk, his eyes making their way to yours. " I want to know. ." Your words fell silent, lossing everything you ever thought about in a instant. " Know what _____. ." His whisper mocked yours, leaning in more to feeling his exhale collide with yours. " I want to know why your doing this. ." Knowing him for too long, you knew what he was going to say before he said it. " And please. .please don't say just because you can again. ." He chuckled at your plead, obeying it with an honest answer you desevered. " Because. .I want this, because you want this. ." His lips grazed over yours as he spoke, fully capturing yours after he finshed his reason. Your body tensed in a way that pain was made, letting of some hestiation to grasp his clothed back. Aizen watched you every moment, taking your weakness to guide his tougne next to yours, fully closing his eyes when the jolt of pleasure ran threw his body. You didn't feel his movement until your back pressed against the wall, his lower torso breaking threw your clamped legs, your feet barely touching the floor. " Wait. .Aizen. ." You whimpered as his lips guided down your neck to your upper chest, still alittle against this sudden change of friendship. " Enough waiting _____. .let me win. ." You knew nothing would stop his ways, moaning as he pulled threw your clothes with ease. Soon to leave nothing but your panties on, your arms hidding your breast. By his sudden change from a smile to a frown, you knew he wasn't into that type of embarrassment. Being just like the time earlier in the day, without any real effort, your hands pressed against the stone wall, a blush taking over as his grin reappeared. After getting his fill, he let your legs and arms drop, moving away from you. Confusion parted the silence in your mind as Aizen backed away, moving aside your panties just enough for you to stop him. Your innocence only made him want you more, shaking off your loss grip, a moan filling the room as his hand disappeared behind the cotton fabric. After seeing he had a rythmn, he moved closer, bringing one of your legs higher for easier entrance. " You seem like you already peaked _____, I haven't even done much. ." Your eyes shut, not caring about what he said at the moment until you felt his lips cross over your ear. " Your dripping. . ." His twisted saying made a whimper to give way to show your shyness, your head laying upon the crook of his neck for some type of sercuity. His echoing chuckle brought chills threw your body as he began to move with you once more. Knowing it was was your first time of this sensation, other roleplaying would not be necessary for you just by your low tolerence rate. His hand being enough to prepare you for him. . . How You Told Him: Your eyes moved back and forth from the floor to Aizen as he spoke, trying to find a simple way to tell him you were carrying his child. You could see he was upset with you from not coming to his room in the last week just by how he never made eye contact. " When will you tell him, " Gin voice broke you from your thoughts, looking up at his smiling face. You shrugged to his questio, knowing you didn't have an answer for him right now. Soon the meeting was over, silence echoing threw the room, looking up to see Aizen leaning against the table. " You I hate when you think you could do this. ." Your eyes never left his as you began to walk to him, his cool smirk aching your heart like always. " I didn't mean to hurt you Aizen . ." His chuckle of amusment hurt you abit, your tears begining to form as your hand ran over his clothed chest. Seeing he didn't want to make the first move, your hands embrace his wide body, bearing your head into his chest. " You think you can hide this from me, " His hand carrassed your stomach, his voice mocking your not so well hidden secret. " I didn't mean too, I was just scared. .I love you Aizen. ." His lips touched your head, his other hand rubbing your back. " I know. ." That was all he said, seeming from that, that everything was going to be alright. Now you can make up the rest on your own.^_^

What Bleach Character is Your Baby's Daddy^_^ { Part #4}

How it Happened: " We should go out or something, " Your voice made its way to Orihimes ear, her desk not being too far away. " Where? its the middle of the day. " You shrugged your shoulders to her, not knowing what to say, seeing that she was right. " After school, you, Ichigo, and Chad meet me at my house, we'll decide then, " She nodded, soon realizing you didn't say one friend they were close to as well. " What about Uuryu, " You shrugged you shoulders again, never really getting along with Uuryu in the way of Ichigo and Chad. " Whatever, he can come. ." Your muttering brought a huge grin to Orihimes' face, standing up to get even closer to you. You watched as her finger made its way only a few inches away from your noses, starting in boredom. " You like Uuryu, don't lie, " One eyebrow rose, looking into her eyes, seeing she really thought that. " Isn't he gay. .he sures acts like that. ." Again you muttered, the lie leaking from your words, knowing Orihime would see that. " Oh hush _____, tonight, its your night, we will stay out of your way, " Before you could answer her in a bad manner, she skipped away, leaving the room probably to find Ichigo and Chad. A extreme exhale came from your mouth, staring out of the window, not wanting to think about Uuryu anymore. You weren't lying when you said you didn't get along with him. He was just so gay in a way, it always made you want to make fun of him, making Uuryu hate you for that. Since then, you never really talked to Uuryu. That was the last thought before passing out on your desk, missing every class after that one. You awoke as the last long bell rang, getting up. As soon as you realized you slept your life away, your palm connected to your forehead, running out of the classroom to reach Orihime before she started walking home. Thanking god she waited when you say her orange hair blow in the wind. The little thing you didn't see was Uuryu was with her until it was too late. Uuryu eyes narrowed at the sight of you, only grinning from his resentment. " Oh, hey ____, I was just inviting Uuryu to are date tonight, " Your mind was somewhere else, observing every part of his body for your own satifaction. Finally breaking away from his nerd like trance, you answered. " Oh, alrighty. .maybe you can do my hair Uuryu, " Orihime nudged in annoyance, grinning at Uuryu as well. " Whatever, " That was all he said before parting ways. You watched his back until you cringed in pain from a pinch that Orihime gave you. " Why would you do that ____, you will never get him when you embarrass him, " You rolled your eyes at her true conclusion on your relationship with Uuryu, feeling guilty from thinking about what you just said. " Whatever, he's such a baby. ." Your words were harsh and uncaring, trying to hide your true feelings, knowing that Orihime knew you too well to fall for that. " Yup, but you love him and tonight is your night, now lets go, I have to get you ready. " You groaned in annoyance as Orihime dragged you to your house without hearing a yes from you for her whole plan. Yet, knowing she would never stop, you went along with her, your house not too far from the school anyways. With that, didn't take long for you two to get there, already laying your bed while Orihime searched your closet. " I swear. .you ahve nothing . ." You only smiled, thanking heavens she didn't find anything she liked until you heared her speak again. " Wow. .this is . .perfect! " Her squeal made you jump up, seeing her find something in the depths of your messy room. " Go, put this on. ." Yours eyes rolled to a new height, ripping the clothes away from Orihime, locking yourself in your bathroom. You knew she would be supisious if you stayed in there for a long time, leaving with a disgusted look on your face. " I look horrible, I hate this. ." Orihime watched you in aww, knowing she loved if more then you ever will. " No! your wearing that and thats final!" Not wanting to argue, you just shut up, sitting on a chair near your bed. " After i'm done, you guys will be together forever," Your mouth cringed at the thought, images of just seeing Uuryu in that way was kinda hard, getting use to it after awhile. The day passed on faster then you thought it would, looking into the mirror while Orihime got dressed for Ichigo. " Hey _____, you here, its Ichigo. ." When is voice echoed through your house, your first reation was zooming down the stairs, forgetting everything Orihime taught you. You knew it was too late when you saw Uuryu stare paralize you. It seemed that he was the same as you, as both of your bottoms drop from the images you protrayed for eachother. " Ahh. .guys. ." Chad sulking voice brought you both out of your trances, you shaking your head slightly. Ichigo smiled at what he saw, seeing that Orihime told hims as well. A blush ran over face as Uuryu leaned towards Ichigo, mouthing something you could not comperhend. Shaking of your emotions for now, you slowly walked down the stairs greeting everyone like you always do, except for Uuryu that it. You really didn't know what to say, the akward silence filling the room until Orihime's voice broke the ice for you. " Why are you guys just standing there, lets go. " You were the first one to leave the house, inhaling as much cool air you could, trying to calm your nerves. Ichigo, Chad, and Orihime began to power walk ahead, seeing that they were using your laziness to stay with Uuryu alone. " So. .whats up. ." He smiled as you tryed to start something without an insult, your heart leaping all of a sudden. " Nothing really, just exhausted from school and everything along with that." You awwed in a saracstic way, locking your arms with his, your nerves fadding as you layed your head on his lean shoulder. " You complain too much, you should just act like your excited for once in your lifetime. ." You jerked back as he stopped walking after you said your last word, thinking he was offended by your comment. You let your hand drop, fully facing him. His glasses shimmered in the moonlight, a feeling coming to you whenever you were with him. " You look beautiful _____. ." the blush you had before came back in a instant, looking up to make eye contact only for a moment. " Ahh, thanks. ." He laughed at your reply, the lost of words giving him some type of control. Your body tensed up in a new kind of way as he leaned down, his lips gently grazing over your ear. " Do you love me, " His whisper echoed threw your ear, your heart aching from his plea. " . .yea. .I do . ." That was all Uuyru needed to hear before his lips captured yours. The heat from his embrace warmed you in every way, grasping the back of his neck to deepened the kiss. After coming back to reality, you broke the kiss, lookin into his deep blue eyes. There was nothing to say from then, interwining your hand with his, leading him back to your house. You opened your door as quiet as possible, forgetting your mom was gone for the week. Trying to get over the dumb moment, you led him to your room until he jerked you once more. " Wait _____. .aren't we rushing. ." Your eyes flew up annoyance, turning to face him slightly. " I knew you for eight years Uuryu. .we're not rushing anything, " Before he could say anything else you began to head towards your room once more, seeing when you weren't jerked back he finally gave in. In silence, you made your way in your room, shutting the door after he was in. He turned to face you, a faint blush protraying how nervous he was. Just before he spoke, your lips pressed against his, your tougne sliding against his. You knew he was done with the questions when you felt his hands starting to unzipp your dress, dropping it to the floor. Your did the same to his pants, the belt buckle slamming againt the floor. With ease, Uuryu stepped out of them, gripping you just enough for him to lay you on the bed. You smiled as you felt his lips roam you neck, wrapping your legs around his waist, runnning your hands threw his jet blue hair. " Do you love me. ." You repeated his question for his answer, him breaking away from your neck to looking into your eyes. " you don't even know ____. ." That was all he said, being enough for your nerves. A moan left your quivering lips, feeling his hands slip under your panties, leading to other things you wanted for so long. . . How You Told Him: Your head spun as you walked home, concerning Orihime even more then throwing up in the empty hallway. " Are you okay _____ ? " You nodded yes, not wanting her to be worryed about something that she had nothing to do with. " Do you know where Uuryu is? " She nodded just as you did, explaining where to find him. It didn't take long before you made it to the small forest, seeing him stare blankly at the scenery. " Uuryu. ." His head was the only movement, a smile appearing on his face. " Come over here. ." You obeyed the smiple favor, standing next to him as he began to stare forward once again. " Umm. .Uuryu. .i'm. ." His soft chuckle stopped you from your misery, looking up at him, still seeing the smile you loved plastered on his face. " I know. .just by how you act around me, I knew since you knew. ." You mind thought back to when you realized you were preguant, dating back to one month now. " So your not. ." Your words fadded as his hand intertwinned with yours, his eyes finally meetinf yours. " I love you ____. .there is now reason to be upset. ." Tears glossed your eyes, embracing him for him to not see. " I love you too Uuryu. ." Another smile made its way to his lips as his hands wrapped around you, holding you until you wanted him to let go. Now you make up the rest. ^_^

What Bleach Character is Your Baby's Daddy^_^ { Part #3 }

How it Happened: Your head layed on your hand, feeling as if the lecture from Aizen gave to you everytime someone messed up in some sort of way made your brain cells decrease dramatically. You alwayed wondered why you came to these "special" events, never being the one who screwed up, so why do you have to come. Your thoughts began to cloud everything else around you, not caring if they saw you in that specific daze or not. Being one of the Leaders' favorites, you knew he wouldn't be too mad that you really didn't care for what he spoke of. Alot of the rest of the group weren't to happy you were the Leaders' special one of being the closet of friends except for him and Gin. Like you cared anyways, all you knew was you didn't mess up anything ever, so you really didn't have to come to these required meetings. Yet, the attention Aizen brought to you was very nice treat, you really didn't mind if you were his go to person or not. " ______, " Aizen voice of your name came threw your eardrum, looking up in a bored, black look. " Yes, " You asked as if he was invading your personal, knowing him for so long, you knew he wouldn't be affended by the tone in your voice. " Are you listening, " You shook your head in a no manner, only making him smile from your honesty. " Szayel, may you take _____ to her room, " Your eyebrow rose from Aizen's request, confussed from the whole situation that point on. Szayel nodded with a sick smirk on his glowing face, standing up ot his full height. You just shook it off as if was nothing, getting up as well, leading the way to your room while Szayel followed. The whole way there, you two were silent. There was really nothing to say to Szayel, or do to actully interact with him. You and Szayel never really talked, there was really no reason to. The only thing you could remember ever with Szayel was actully in a full blown daze from how handsome he was. It was weird for you when that happened, that was your first time ever getting that kind of feeling with someone, and it had to be with a crazy scientist. " _____, " You loved the way Szayel said your name, turning around after you savored it. Soon, that thought was lost, his hand gripping your throat, pushing you against the stone wall. " I have no choice, " That was the last words you heared in whisper before you passed out from the sudden attack. You diddn't wake up until nightfall, a cold feeling rushing threw your body, starting from your back. By that, you came to a conclusion that you were on a flat metal board. " What the f*ck is going on, " A small chuckle came from the shadows right in front of you. Szayel came out from that darkness after he knew you weren't going to say anything. " You should ask Leader Aizen, " Confussion was written all over your face, your friend stepping from the shadows as well, a dull smirk on his emotionless face. Knowing that they already knew your question, you waited until Aizen finally spoke. " Well, time and death from others will benefit those people that our trying to destroy us." Your eye naturally twiched in annoyance, looking back and forth from the two men. " So, what the f*ck does that have to do with me being tied up on a f*cking cold metal bed. " They just chuckle by your short tempered, only making your annoyance turn into pure anger. " You see, a child will benefit me and this organization just like time and death will do for others, " Your eyes widened by every word Aizen spoke of. Your mind raced after he paused once more to see your reaction, the pain becoming real when you fully understood his indirect saying for you. Still, you had to hear it, you had to hear him flat out say something that would scare you forever. " What are you trying to say Aizen, " The question came out in a tone you rarely used, hurt and weakness protrayed threw the soft voice you hid away from basically everyone. " Halibel cannot have children, nor the other women here, we tryed with different men for all of them. .yet, you are that last and Szayel was the best in my view for you," You shook your head violently, denial setting in after you finally heard the truth from a friend you loved dearly like a brother. Too caught in your own thoughts of hurt, the only thing that broke you was Aizen heated breath touching your cheek. " I know you love him _____, and if this doesn't work out, I will try next, " By the end of his words, his tone became vacant, blank to you, forgetting you even thought of him as a brother, resent forming in your mind with this place you called home, with Aizen and Szayel. You moved your head to the opposite side, giving Aizen the indacation you wanted him to just leave you alone at that point. He only smiled, kissing you softly on the cheek, leaning back up, heading towards that door. " Be gentle Szayel, its her first time, " Before you could reply to his shallow remark, the sound of the door shutting making your mouth shut. In defeat, your head fell onto the cold penal, the pain not even being an issue just because your emotions of hate and denial overpowered everything you thought or felt. Szayel watched your body become limp, pouting little. He loved your short temper, and knew you were goingt to fight him the whole way until he was fully inside of you. His eyes narrowed at the thought, hating that Aizen broke your spirit before he could even grasp it. Your eyes never left the ceiling, the tears you held in for so long beginng to blur your vision. It was as if you lost everything you alwayed took for granted, Aizen and someone you would have liked to fall in love with was just. .messed up. " Don't be so upset _____, I will take care of you, " Your eyes wandered down as he spoke to you in a soothing voice, seeing his hands shred away the little clothing they left on your body while you were sleeping. The panic became real again once again you felt the last piece of clothing leave your quivering being. Your mind thought through every little thing you could do just to stall this whole process. The panicing feeling became to overwhelem everything as his body hovered above yours, that same little smirk still on his pale lips since this whole situation began. " I love you . . .Szayel. .I don't want us to be together like this. ." The lie was only half of what you wanted, actully feeling some type of emotion to Szayel. His eyes never left yours as you spoke words he never heard from a woman nor man. " Love is such a common word now, why should I - " Just by a reaction of his doubt, your lips smashed against his, being that your arms were locked down, the only way to deep the kiss without embracing him was arching your back, your chest pressing against his own. Like you wanted, his hands gripped the back of your neck, his tougne begging for entrance, granting his request without hesitation. Yet, you knew he wouldn't stop, his hands letting go of your neck, grasping your thighs to make them wrap around his lanky waist. The dominance in his body made yours dim down, his lips muffling any moan that would leave yours by his wandering hands. His hand moved around more, wanting to here his name whimper out of your mouth for the first time. Another moan left your lips once again, breaking away from the the kiss to give him what he wanted. " Szayel . ." the whisper was almost as silent as a mouse, a smug smirk appearing on his face. After achieving his first goal, he thought there was no more of a need to make you aroused, the emotions of this event fadding away into nothing. By how his hands gripped your inner thigh, pushing them apart, you knew he was you had one last chance. " Wait, Szayel. .not like this. ." Your voice began to crack, seeing by his face, your words did nothing to change what he was after all along. " You know its not love ____, don't plan dumb," Tears finally began to fall, the shallowness in his voice hurting you more then you ever thought it would. Screams of pain filled the room and beyond, putting a smile on Aizens' face. " I told him to be gentle with her, the first time is never fun for a woman, especially if she is forced into consent. . " Gin only chuckled at his friends remark, the whole room becoming dead silent just to hear your crys for help again. . How You Told Him: Your eyes stayed to the floor, not wanting to see anyone's faces, not wanting to see his. Your hands held your stomach, resentment fadding away as you thought about something actully growing inside of you. You knew you were preguant since the time you were back into your bed after Szayel was done with. A month has passed since the day your child was produced, Aizen wanting an update, leading you to this day. " The nurses say you are fully in the stages of preguance," All you did was nod at Aizens statement, seeing his feet come to your narrow view from looking down. " Are you ever going to speak to me or the father of your child, " Without hesitation, your head shook no, tears welling up once more, your mind reviewing every painfull detail over and over again. Still, the vow of silence overpowered any little thing you wanted to spat at all of them. " Umm I see. ." His voice paused, his lips moving closer and closer to your ear. " I guess next time we will have our night. . " By that he was gone, the others following him like a pet. The tears dropped from your eyes, glossing the stone floor. Your tears fell until they hit a pale hand, knowing it was Szayel. His hand gently gripped your chin, bringing up your head to be greeted by a small smirk on his face. " Don't be too upset ____, Aizen knows once I have something, it will be mine until I thinks of it as trash. ." As he finished, his lips gently touched yours only for a moment before parting. " I still have use for you. ." That was the last thing he said before gripping your hand with ease, leading you away from the torment he once brought upon you. Now you can make up he rest ^_^

What Bleach Character is Your Baby's Daddy^_^ { Part #2 }

How it Happened: You eyes began to shut in bordom, the arguement with Kira and Renji was never going to end anytime soon, so you just it would be best if you fell asleep in the middle of this pointless verbal battle. You couldn't even remember what this was about, you didn't really care, all you knew was they were going to make up at the end and become great friends once again. " Hey, wake up _____! " You only waved at the shouting Renji, putting your arm over your eyes, showing you were not going to listen what so ever. " Come on _____, wake up, you have to listen, " The simpathic voice of Kira didn't work this time, turning to your side to make your back face the two men. They both just groweled, going back to arguing again. It seemed like it was never going to end until they both grew silent, making your eyes open. You turned around to see Kira bowing while Renji was dissmissed by the man that Kira was bowing to. " What is all the fuss about Kira, " His voice made your body cringe in discomfort, looking up to meet the face of the one and only Gin Ichimaru. You watched as he spoke down to Kira, only making you even more annoyed then before. You never really knew why you disliked Gin so much, but his arggrance was so irriating that it made you not what to be around him at all. You got up, making Gin turn his head towards you, that creepy smile still plastered on his smooth face. " Oh, I didn't feel you there _____, that just shows. . " He trailed of, already knowing what he would say. He alwayed made you feel like you were nothing, like you weren't even there. " Show's what Gin, " He smile only grew wider, some kind of unknown pleasure entering his body by how his name rolled of your tougne, only thoughts of you saying his name the same way but just in a much better situation. " It just shows that you are weak, " You rolled your eyes, trying your hardest not to make him get to you this time. You two continued your little insult conversation until something you really can't remember that he said a little remark that took you over the edge once again. Kira held you back as the rapid insults came from your mouth, trying to rip Gins' throat out. " F*ck you, i'm so f*cking done with your bullsh*t! " Gin only watched in excitiment, thoughts of how was going to persue his simple plan after everyone was off to bed and no one was left but you and him going threw a new experience, for you that is. Kira said his goodbyes to his Captian dragging you out of the room before you could get your hands around Gins' thin, pale neck. " You have to calm done _____, you can't left Captian Ichimaru get to you " Kira let you go after knowing you were far away from where Gin was at, by your room. " Whatever, having a short temper is going to be my downfall, " He laughed, messing up your hair alittle before giving you a big hug you alwayed loved. " Yea, I know, see you tommorrow alright and no more fights, " You nodded as you watched him vanish as he turned the corner, leaving you alone once again. After that, it was a blur. You woke up, still seeing it was dark outside, knowing that because you went to sleep really early to cool off. Taking no time to get off your bed, you left your room, entering a dimmly lighted hallway. There was just something about it though, you couldn't explain it. The hallway made you feel uneasy, made you feel like you were being watched. Soon, the silence broke from the chatting of the two familar voices of Renji and Kira. You sighed in relief, the uneasy feeling starting to subside, beggining to walk again. " What are you doing up so late _____, " His chilling voice made the feelings of insects run up and down your spin, looking up to make your eyes meet ones that were temperaily shut. " What the hell do you want now Gin, " Rolling your eyes again in annoyance, not wanting to see his face for the rest of the night, but here he is. " Oh nothing, just wanted to check up on you, " He began to walk up to you, trying not show you were intimidated by his presence. " Well, i'm fine, so can you please leave me alone now, " All you could think about was keeping your emotions incheck so you wouldn't wake up anyone or disturb the conversation with Renji and Kira on the high balcony. " There's something else, are you with Kira," Your eyebrow rose, your eyes narrowing at the fox looking man. " Why is that any of your business, " You folded your arms to show that you were basically impatiant with this, wanting to leave. " So, so cruel _____, will you ever warm up to me, " His tone made you feel as if he was mocking you, only making you angier towards him. "Nope, " Giving him one last smile, not wasting anymore time before begining to walk passed him. " I never said you could leave yet, did I, " You didn't even notice his cold, bony fingers move an inch until they were gripped around your neck, slamming you against the wall. Before you could say anything from a small whimper to a loud scream of pain, Gins' other hand gently covered your opened mouth. Your eyes grew wide as he slightly opened his own to show his icy blue eyes to you for the first time. For the few moments he held his eyes open, the deep trance began to engulf everything you knew, regaining yourself when he slowly closed them to appear as a fox again. " I guess this is the only way. ." The hand that gripped your neck slid away, moving to your thigh. With ease, his hand slipped inbetween your thighs, pushing one away from the other one. You shook your head violently, your screams to Renji and Kira muffled by his cold, pale hand. He laughed from your dead screams, his grin only growing bigger with ever attempt to get their attention. As one his one held you up, he moved away, looking down to see what you were wearing to see how difficult it would be to manuver around your simple clothing. Seeing you didn't have your full uniform on, it would be easy to penatrate without messing up your clothing in the slightest bit. His hand slowly pulled away your clothes, along with your underwear, rolling it aside so it would just go back to its original place. Tears began to stream down your face as his hands pushed away his own clothing, feeling 'it' press against your lower stomach. " Aww, don't cry, its alright, I promise," His hand moving away from your lower area to wipe away your tears. Gins' remark only made you sob more, breaking away from his shut eyes to look at Kira in a blur with the tears messing up your eyesight. " You will soon love me, " He turned away to look at Renji and Kira as well, his smile dropping only for a second before appearing right back when he faced you again. Just by that, you knew Renji and Kira would never see you two, the hope fadding away. " Its alright. ." That was the last thing he whispered before moving on to the next stage of something you had no control of. Soon, the voices of your friends fadded away, showing the sign of defeat as your head tryed to find some type of comfort in the crook of Gins' neck, your hands cupping his back for support. With that, his hand moved away from your lips, gripping your other thigh just like his other hand, holding you up with uneeded support just to make you more comfortable. After that, it was just a broken blur. . How You Told Him: The pressure of Aizen still resinated in the air, knowing Gin wasn't far behind. He couldn't just leave you in this state, you were so confused. Looking everywhere, you could find one single clue of where he would be, the tears you hated fell down your reddened face, your heart aching at that point. You didn't know what to do if he really left you behind, you loathed yourself for having the feelings of compassion for him, for feeling something for a man that just took what he wanted without even asking. He was right though, you did fall in love with him. From that night on, you came to his room, wanting to find that comfort you only found with him and no one else. With thought still in mind, your tears stopped, the pressure of Kaname, Aizen, and Gin inflicted your body. You turned around, greeted with Gins' sly smirk. " I knew you would warm up to me in time, " Your eyes once again met his icy blue ones, your heart beating in a irregular pace once again. " So your not going to leave me?, " He shook his head no, holding out his hand for you to take. Just as if he read your mind, you knew he already knew that you were actully carrying his child. By that, you vanished to your new homes, knowing it wouldn't be that bad loving a man that stole something from you only a few months ago. Now you guys can make up the rest on your own ^_^

What Bleach Character is Your Baby's Daddy^_^ {Part #1}

How it Happened: You layed on your best friend, Uryus' floor, just sleeping over for the night like you did ever night. You rather spend time with your like-brother then your family anyday. This was just another night at his house, you didn't know why you couldn't sleep tonight. You thought of everything that maybe be the reason of not getting the sleep you desired. From having a back problems when you were a child to being that you had two cans of coke-a-cola before you went to bed. Yet, the one reason that made the most sense was that his dad was home this day. You knew it was horrible, but you did actully have a crush on his dad. You knew he was in his 40s and he smoked like crazy but there was just something about him you loved. Ever since you met his dad, there was just something there, to you that is. You always thought he hated you. Just by his coldness to you and the distance he had, you just thought he loathed your very being. Whenever you thought that, you just felt like nothing, hating very moment you thought you were nothing under his cruel eyes. You sighed deeply, sitting up into pitch black darkness. Knowing his room by heart, you manuvered your way aroung his belongs with ease. Another sigh left your lips as you shut the door without waking Uryu up, he was a very light sleeper. Getting a hold of yourself, you tryed to be as quiet as you could so you wouldn't wake up Ryuken either. He was even a lighter sleeper, and by a past experience, you knew he hated to be woken up. The word caution popped up in your mind when his door became closer to you. On your tippy toes, you tried your hardest not to make any noise that you thought would be loud enough to here threw the wooden door. As soon as you felt safe, you became flat footed again. " Thank god. ." Wipping your head from any trace of sweat that might have been there. " Why are you up. ." Like a reflex, a short gasp left your lips, his voice paralzying you from the inside out. " Answer me _____, now. " A scary chill up and down your shivering body, not daring to turn around and face Ryuken. " I couldn't sleep. ." Your hands folded into a fist, trying your hardest not to show how nerous you were when you were around him. " That gives you no right to roam around my house." Whenever he became like this, something cold, your heart always began to ache, this time being no different. " I'm sorry, I didn't know what I was thinking, " Getting the courage, you face him, your eyes meeting his instantly as you fully faced him. The cold expression he gave to you didn't help you either, it just made you want to curl up and die. " Come here. " You were confessed from his request but you obeyed it anyways, wanting to know why he asked you to be near him. As you came closer to Ryuken, the butterflies in the pit of your stomach began to grow, feeling as if you were going to vomit. " Do you like my son? " He question didn't surpise you, everyone asks about you and Uryu. " As a brother, yes, I don't like him in 'that' way. " He nodded slightly, breaking eye contact from only a moment to scan you up and down. " Are you a virgin? " That was the question that took you a back. You looked away, a blush grzing over your cheeks, trying to figure out what to say. " Um. .well. .yea, why? " All that went threw your head was why he was asking these very personal questions, why did he even care. " Every night you are with Uryu and you two had never even tryed. ." He trailed off, a smirk forming on his perfect lips, as the blush took over your whole face. " No, I always wanted to wait for the person I was in love with, and Uryu is definatly not him. " You tryed to play off your embrassement by scratching the back of your head whil having a big smile on your lips. He didn't say anything after that, thinking you were off the hook for whatever you have done that was wrong. " Well, goodnight. " Walking back to Uryus' room, you didn't even sense him come behind you, silently slamming you against the wall. " I never said you were dismissed, " The tone in his voice could seduce any woman on the earth, including you at that point. You watched with widened eyes, your heart beginning to race from the exitcitment. " What are you doing Ryuken?? " Wanting to know what he was up to, even if you knew what it was in the back of your mind. " My son if foolish for not taking you when he had the chance. " His words flowed into your ear with ease, his whispers melting you at the spot. " Um. .thanks. .I think. " By that, he moved away from you, starting to make his way towards his room. " Aren't you coming? " He question, not even turning back to see what you were doing or if you were following him in the first place. You nodded, not knowing what else to do but just follow him and see what happens. The nerves again started to hit when the door from his room shut, the sound of a lock present. " Sit down, " The only place to sit down was the bed, like a servent, obeying that order as well. " Why am I here Ryuken, " You asked for some kind of conclusion, your eyes never leaving his as he began to make his way towards you. " I know you love me _____, " Your mouth became dry from the effects of having butterflies, tensing up when he sat next to you. " Yea, what does that have to do with anything. " Feeling as if you were being lost in his seductive eyes behind his glasses. " Don't you want me? " You knew of how he asked it, he was taunting you with the love you held for him. " Yea, but - , " Being cut off by his two longest fingers that were placed on your lips. " It was just a yes or no question, " You nodded, knowing that you were in the wrong. " Good, " That was all he said before he let his fingers slide away from your lips, replacing them with his own. Your eyes shut as soon as his lips touched yours, kissing back without any hestiation. Slowly but surely, your back landed on the bed, his lips still attached to yours. His hands wrapped around you like it was nothing, bringing you closer to him then you were already. A moan left your lips as his left yours, only to move down to your neck. Another moan escaped, too loud for his or your liking. Going back up, his lips covered yours, his hands starting to make up for the loss of his lips on other places. You hands gripped his back, your nails digging into his shirt, little slits made from it by his hand spreading your thighs only alittle so it could make enough room so he could fully feel the heat that radiated from a place he longed for. This time when you moaned, he caught it, his fingers bringing pressure to places you never really thought of. " You have to be quiet, I don't think Uryu would be happy if he found me making love to his friend, " Blushing, you nodded, trying your best not to make anymore whimpers and moans that might wake Uryu up. By that, he began to kiss once again, same for his hand that was inbetween your legs. After that he began to other things only you and Ryuken knows. How You Told Him: You waited in a slight panic in Ryukens' room, until he came from work. You didn't have a clue of how he was going to react to you being preguant and wanting to keep it. You exhaled deeply, collapsing on his bed. Silently you rubbed your stomach, a small smile growing on your lips from actully realizing you had a baby inside you. The first night you were with Ryuken was not the last, being with him at least seven or eight times since this started from you just roaming his house. You didn't even realize the door open, Uryu and his father standing the door way. " _____, what are you doing in my fathers room? " Uryu's voice made you jump in surpise, your eyes only focusing on him for a second, making it's way to Ryuken in no time. " Well. .um. .i'm preguant. ." Ryukens' expression the same while Uryus' eyes grew to a new height. " Who's the father? " Uryu asked in a worried tone, sitting next to you, while Ryuken still stood at the spot he was always at. " Ahh. .your dad. ." Just by that, Uryu was knocked out from the shock. You giggled alittle, patting his head. " So your having my child. .very well then, maybe it will be better then my last disappointment. " After he said that, he left you and a uncouisous Uryu alone. All you could do was smile at the fact he accepted you and the baby, knowing by how he looked at you when you broke the news he really wasn't going to leave you. Now you can make up the rest on your own ^_^

Who would you be dating in Saiyuki?


You would probably be Gojyo's date. You're having physical fun together and that's all right, but you are also able to take the time to listen to him and really make the effort to understand. his feelings. Your way of reaching an high state of intimacy with someone else probably start by being comfortable on the physical plan, not necessary sexual, with that special person. He enjoys the fact that you can see behind his facade and were able to touch his heart.

Saiyuki spin the bottle

Your man's Hakkai!
You blushed when the bottle landed on hakkai, you'd had a crush on him for quiet some time now. He noticed your rose tinted cheeks, but chose to ignore it so as not to embarrass you. You both tried to ignore Gojyo's catcall. Hakkai smiled politely and leaned forward, catching your lips in what was meant to be a chaste kiss, however the atmosphere in the room became a little heated when the two of you deepened the kiss, tongues battling for dominance. Kougaiji covered Goku's eyes. You broke away from the kiss slowly, eyes still lingering upon each other before you each went back to your respective spots in the circle.

Monday 29 December 2008

What kind of devil are you?


you're the evilest thing in the solar system you do evil things for the fun of it

Personality Test Results

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Are you an angel or the devil?

Your the devil in disguise.....

you like to see people in pain and you want to devour everyone's soul....

Personality Test Results

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Which Bleach Boy Is All Yours?

Your Boy Is Grimmjow! Holy Hotness!

Oh yeah, heres a guy from the wrong side of the tracks! He's strong, tough and not the kind of guy who messes around. He gets straight to the point and when he wants, he gets. If he wants you, he'll have you, one way or another. And when he's got you right where he wants you, he'll keep you there. He's the mother of all bad boys. He loves you, but doesn't know how to show it other that mischievous grins or the occasional dirty flirting. You can't help but love him. It's the bad boy grin that ropes you in.

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Bleach Personality Quiz... lol

Which Bleach Character are you?

Gin Ichimaru

Untrustworthy, Sneaky, and likes to hide appearance.

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Monday 22 December 2008

Bleach 60 min in Heaven

Kisuke Urahara(me: when he was young dinosaurs were around hehe)
kisuke:"6 who has 6"you yelled out then utahara stood up "that's me my lady" If you like him You walk up nervous cause you've been in love with him since the day you met I pushed you in the closet "have fun guys"I said in a singsong voice he quickly walked over and kissed you. You put your arms around his neck he put his around your waist you both pulled away for air "____ I love you"he said "I love you to kisuke utahara"you said kissing him he licked your bottom lip asking for entrance you granted it happily he explored your mouth then he moved to your neck kissing it you took off his shirt feeling his body he took tours off bra and all feeling your breasts then you pushed him to the ground and got in top of him he took your pants off and you took his off then you were both in your under wear he kissed you again sliping your under wear off you sliped his off and you both had fun if ya know what I mean then you guys got dressed as I opend the door "aw. Nothing happend"I said you guys walked out and you became his girl. What tay tank Ichigo:wow weird Rukia:yeah I'm with ya there. Renji:akward Utahara:hey even I get ladys. Grimmy:I hate you all so drop dead Ully:I don't giva rats ass aizen:*in the bathroom* Toushiro:*burps* Rangiku:ew Uryu:*twitching* Slither:I'm free of aizen Kon:boobs Hoichi:kiki come herefine *grabs be and kisses me* Me;EWWWWWW GROSS Hanatoru;*hugs me* If you hate him You scream and run out the door What tay tank Ichigo:she's mean. Rukia:yeah. Renji:yup Kisuke:whatever. Toushiro:piss off Rangiku:toushi Ully:trash. Grimmy:O.o Aizen:*rapes slither* Slither:I hate aizen. Kon:boobs. Uryu:......... Hoichi:kiki since ___ left you and me get to go in. *starts dragging me* Me:no I don't wanna be raped. Hanatoru:*bored*

Your Bleach Guy.

You Scored as Gin-samma

Gin-samma!Not exactly the most trust-worthy, but he looks fuckin' dynamite! And you might get the kinky vibe from him if you like that kinda thing!











Which of the 13th Divisions Captains are you?

You Scored as Aizen Sousuke

You're Aizen Sousuke, Captain of the Fifth Division! People find it easy to trust you, and who wouldn't? You're always saying kind things to people and taking on various causes for their sake. However, maybe there is something else that you're thinking? Either way, there are surely a lot of people who look up to you and that would defend you, in return, at a moment's notice.

Aizen Sousuke


Zaraki Kenpachi


Kyouraku Shunsui


Ichimaru Gin


Yamamoto Genryuusai


Kuchiki Byakuya


Soi Fong


Kurotsuchi Mayuri


Ukitake Jyuushiro


Tousen Kaname


Hitsugaya Toushirou


Komamura Sajin


Unohana Retsu



Which Bleach Captain are you?

You Scored as Aizen Sousuke

You are Aizen Sousuke. An evil bastard, but before everyone found out about your true intentions, you were a kind and respected captain. Who knows why you're so cold now.

Aizen Sousuke


Ichimaru Gin


Kyouraku Shunsui


Hitsugaya Toushirou


Zaraki Kenpachi


Ukitake Jyuushirou


Soi Fong


Yamamoto Genryuusai Shigekuni


Komamura Saijin


Kuchiki Byakuya


Kurotsuchi Mayuri


Tousen Kaname


Unohana Retsu


Hitohira No Hanabira

Hitohira No Hanabira with English Subs... Enjoy : )

30 Mins in Bleach Heaven

Kisuke Urahara

OH! and before we start, Kisuke is still a captain. but its a squad that isnt currently there. like 3. Unohana's not there so it worx.u reach in and pull out a fan from the bag. "Umm. ok i like fans." u say. Kisuke stands and says, "HEY! theres my fan!" he snatched it from u and turned to Yuroichi. "U sneaky sneaky bitch." he says. she merly smiles and says, "Have fun," as she pushes u two into the closet. she slams the door shut and u both hear the deadbolt lock. "Well. having fun, ______?" he asks u. "Yea, u?" u reply. u hear the fan opening and hear him faning himself. "Oh. im very good." "Oh? and y is that?" u ask. he sounded closer now. then suddenly his voice is right behind ur ear as he stands behind u. "Because i got put in here with u." u blush. "And y does that make u happy?" u ask, gulping. he laughs."Because ur to goddamn beautiful for ur own good. Zaraki's been staring at u all night. u should be carefull. he might DO something to u." "And, U wouldnt do things to poor lil ol me, would u?" u asked, purposly making ur tone as sexy as u could manage. he felt him smirk as he burrowed his head in ur neck. "Only if u want me to" he says. "Hold that thought," u whisper. u leave him to go kick the door with the back of ur foot. u hear Matsumoto's, Yuroichi's, Yachiro's, Hinamori's, Renji's and Ichigo's snickering. u send out ur Zanpactou to the back of the room that they were in. u shot it toward the closet u were in. u hear them dodge it and the sword barley grazing the wooden door. u would pay Orihime for it later. right now u had other things on ur mind. u turned to Kisuke and kissed him with as much force as possible.he was aken aback at first but quickly gave in, things progressed VERY quickly. when u came outta the closet, u looked fine but u hadred marks all over ur neck. he sat u down in between his legs as he stretched out on the floor, leaning against the wal. he whispered in ur ear, "Will u be mine?'" u decide from here. plz rate and message plz. it IS my birthday after all

Bleach ENDING 17 Hitohira no Hanabira

Well, another ending from Bleach (nice song)

What Bleach character would be with you!!!! (girls only :\)

Which of the 13 Divisions in Soul Society would you be in [Bleach]

You are in the 3rd Division, led by Captain Ichimaru Gin and Lieutenant Kira Izuru! Captain Ichimaru is sneaky and selfish, willing to wreck all of Soul Society for his own means. You are conniving and calculating, fighting for your captain and his selfish plans.

What kind of lover is perfect for you?

The Quiet, Intelligent type
You love your mate to be the bookworm type, introverted and gentle, but something else underneath. Happy just to talk to you, they will never leave you. They love intellectual discussion, and will spend hours next to you, just talking.

What Colour is your Heart?

Your Heart is Green
Intellectual lovers, those with green hearts base their level of love on the intelligence of their mate. They prefer those with smarts over extreme beauty, and are critical of those who consider beauty or brawn to be better than brains. Those with green hearts are faithful forever. Unfortunately, once one with a green heart has been hurt, they become cold and cruel, holding long grudges.

What Colour is your Aura?

Your Aura is Violet
Violet Auras are the wisest of all, associated with the crown of the head and higher intelligence. Violet is the most intuitive, and the ability to think for the future and create.