Tuesday 30 December 2008

What Bleach Character is Your Baby's Daddy^_^ {Part #1}

How it Happened: You layed on your best friend, Uryus' floor, just sleeping over for the night like you did ever night. You rather spend time with your like-brother then your family anyday. This was just another night at his house, you didn't know why you couldn't sleep tonight. You thought of everything that maybe be the reason of not getting the sleep you desired. From having a back problems when you were a child to being that you had two cans of coke-a-cola before you went to bed. Yet, the one reason that made the most sense was that his dad was home this day. You knew it was horrible, but you did actully have a crush on his dad. You knew he was in his 40s and he smoked like crazy but there was just something about him you loved. Ever since you met his dad, there was just something there, to you that is. You always thought he hated you. Just by his coldness to you and the distance he had, you just thought he loathed your very being. Whenever you thought that, you just felt like nothing, hating very moment you thought you were nothing under his cruel eyes. You sighed deeply, sitting up into pitch black darkness. Knowing his room by heart, you manuvered your way aroung his belongs with ease. Another sigh left your lips as you shut the door without waking Uryu up, he was a very light sleeper. Getting a hold of yourself, you tryed to be as quiet as you could so you wouldn't wake up Ryuken either. He was even a lighter sleeper, and by a past experience, you knew he hated to be woken up. The word caution popped up in your mind when his door became closer to you. On your tippy toes, you tried your hardest not to make any noise that you thought would be loud enough to here threw the wooden door. As soon as you felt safe, you became flat footed again. " Thank god. ." Wipping your head from any trace of sweat that might have been there. " Why are you up. ." Like a reflex, a short gasp left your lips, his voice paralzying you from the inside out. " Answer me _____, now. " A scary chill up and down your shivering body, not daring to turn around and face Ryuken. " I couldn't sleep. ." Your hands folded into a fist, trying your hardest not to show how nerous you were when you were around him. " That gives you no right to roam around my house." Whenever he became like this, something cold, your heart always began to ache, this time being no different. " I'm sorry, I didn't know what I was thinking, " Getting the courage, you face him, your eyes meeting his instantly as you fully faced him. The cold expression he gave to you didn't help you either, it just made you want to curl up and die. " Come here. " You were confessed from his request but you obeyed it anyways, wanting to know why he asked you to be near him. As you came closer to Ryuken, the butterflies in the pit of your stomach began to grow, feeling as if you were going to vomit. " Do you like my son? " He question didn't surpise you, everyone asks about you and Uryu. " As a brother, yes, I don't like him in 'that' way. " He nodded slightly, breaking eye contact from only a moment to scan you up and down. " Are you a virgin? " That was the question that took you a back. You looked away, a blush grzing over your cheeks, trying to figure out what to say. " Um. .well. .yea, why? " All that went threw your head was why he was asking these very personal questions, why did he even care. " Every night you are with Uryu and you two had never even tryed. ." He trailed off, a smirk forming on his perfect lips, as the blush took over your whole face. " No, I always wanted to wait for the person I was in love with, and Uryu is definatly not him. " You tryed to play off your embrassement by scratching the back of your head whil having a big smile on your lips. He didn't say anything after that, thinking you were off the hook for whatever you have done that was wrong. " Well, goodnight. " Walking back to Uryus' room, you didn't even sense him come behind you, silently slamming you against the wall. " I never said you were dismissed, " The tone in his voice could seduce any woman on the earth, including you at that point. You watched with widened eyes, your heart beginning to race from the exitcitment. " What are you doing Ryuken?? " Wanting to know what he was up to, even if you knew what it was in the back of your mind. " My son if foolish for not taking you when he had the chance. " His words flowed into your ear with ease, his whispers melting you at the spot. " Um. .thanks. .I think. " By that, he moved away from you, starting to make his way towards his room. " Aren't you coming? " He question, not even turning back to see what you were doing or if you were following him in the first place. You nodded, not knowing what else to do but just follow him and see what happens. The nerves again started to hit when the door from his room shut, the sound of a lock present. " Sit down, " The only place to sit down was the bed, like a servent, obeying that order as well. " Why am I here Ryuken, " You asked for some kind of conclusion, your eyes never leaving his as he began to make his way towards you. " I know you love me _____, " Your mouth became dry from the effects of having butterflies, tensing up when he sat next to you. " Yea, what does that have to do with anything. " Feeling as if you were being lost in his seductive eyes behind his glasses. " Don't you want me? " You knew of how he asked it, he was taunting you with the love you held for him. " Yea, but - , " Being cut off by his two longest fingers that were placed on your lips. " It was just a yes or no question, " You nodded, knowing that you were in the wrong. " Good, " That was all he said before he let his fingers slide away from your lips, replacing them with his own. Your eyes shut as soon as his lips touched yours, kissing back without any hestiation. Slowly but surely, your back landed on the bed, his lips still attached to yours. His hands wrapped around you like it was nothing, bringing you closer to him then you were already. A moan left your lips as his left yours, only to move down to your neck. Another moan escaped, too loud for his or your liking. Going back up, his lips covered yours, his hands starting to make up for the loss of his lips on other places. You hands gripped his back, your nails digging into his shirt, little slits made from it by his hand spreading your thighs only alittle so it could make enough room so he could fully feel the heat that radiated from a place he longed for. This time when you moaned, he caught it, his fingers bringing pressure to places you never really thought of. " You have to be quiet, I don't think Uryu would be happy if he found me making love to his friend, " Blushing, you nodded, trying your best not to make anymore whimpers and moans that might wake Uryu up. By that, he began to kiss once again, same for his hand that was inbetween your legs. After that he began to other things only you and Ryuken knows. How You Told Him: You waited in a slight panic in Ryukens' room, until he came from work. You didn't have a clue of how he was going to react to you being preguant and wanting to keep it. You exhaled deeply, collapsing on his bed. Silently you rubbed your stomach, a small smile growing on your lips from actully realizing you had a baby inside you. The first night you were with Ryuken was not the last, being with him at least seven or eight times since this started from you just roaming his house. You didn't even realize the door open, Uryu and his father standing the door way. " _____, what are you doing in my fathers room? " Uryu's voice made you jump in surpise, your eyes only focusing on him for a second, making it's way to Ryuken in no time. " Well. .um. .i'm preguant. ." Ryukens' expression the same while Uryus' eyes grew to a new height. " Who's the father? " Uryu asked in a worried tone, sitting next to you, while Ryuken still stood at the spot he was always at. " Ahh. .your dad. ." Just by that, Uryu was knocked out from the shock. You giggled alittle, patting his head. " So your having my child. .very well then, maybe it will be better then my last disappointment. " After he said that, he left you and a uncouisous Uryu alone. All you could do was smile at the fact he accepted you and the baby, knowing by how he looked at you when you broke the news he really wasn't going to leave you. Now you can make up the rest on your own ^_^

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