Tuesday 30 December 2008

What Bleach Character is Your Baby's Daddy^_^ { Part #3 }

How it Happened: Your head layed on your hand, feeling as if the lecture from Aizen gave to you everytime someone messed up in some sort of way made your brain cells decrease dramatically. You alwayed wondered why you came to these "special" events, never being the one who screwed up, so why do you have to come. Your thoughts began to cloud everything else around you, not caring if they saw you in that specific daze or not. Being one of the Leaders' favorites, you knew he wouldn't be too mad that you really didn't care for what he spoke of. Alot of the rest of the group weren't to happy you were the Leaders' special one of being the closet of friends except for him and Gin. Like you cared anyways, all you knew was you didn't mess up anything ever, so you really didn't have to come to these required meetings. Yet, the attention Aizen brought to you was very nice treat, you really didn't mind if you were his go to person or not. " ______, " Aizen voice of your name came threw your eardrum, looking up in a bored, black look. " Yes, " You asked as if he was invading your personal, knowing him for so long, you knew he wouldn't be affended by the tone in your voice. " Are you listening, " You shook your head in a no manner, only making him smile from your honesty. " Szayel, may you take _____ to her room, " Your eyebrow rose from Aizen's request, confussed from the whole situation that point on. Szayel nodded with a sick smirk on his glowing face, standing up ot his full height. You just shook it off as if was nothing, getting up as well, leading the way to your room while Szayel followed. The whole way there, you two were silent. There was really nothing to say to Szayel, or do to actully interact with him. You and Szayel never really talked, there was really no reason to. The only thing you could remember ever with Szayel was actully in a full blown daze from how handsome he was. It was weird for you when that happened, that was your first time ever getting that kind of feeling with someone, and it had to be with a crazy scientist. " _____, " You loved the way Szayel said your name, turning around after you savored it. Soon, that thought was lost, his hand gripping your throat, pushing you against the stone wall. " I have no choice, " That was the last words you heared in whisper before you passed out from the sudden attack. You diddn't wake up until nightfall, a cold feeling rushing threw your body, starting from your back. By that, you came to a conclusion that you were on a flat metal board. " What the f*ck is going on, " A small chuckle came from the shadows right in front of you. Szayel came out from that darkness after he knew you weren't going to say anything. " You should ask Leader Aizen, " Confussion was written all over your face, your friend stepping from the shadows as well, a dull smirk on his emotionless face. Knowing that they already knew your question, you waited until Aizen finally spoke. " Well, time and death from others will benefit those people that our trying to destroy us." Your eye naturally twiched in annoyance, looking back and forth from the two men. " So, what the f*ck does that have to do with me being tied up on a f*cking cold metal bed. " They just chuckle by your short tempered, only making your annoyance turn into pure anger. " You see, a child will benefit me and this organization just like time and death will do for others, " Your eyes widened by every word Aizen spoke of. Your mind raced after he paused once more to see your reaction, the pain becoming real when you fully understood his indirect saying for you. Still, you had to hear it, you had to hear him flat out say something that would scare you forever. " What are you trying to say Aizen, " The question came out in a tone you rarely used, hurt and weakness protrayed threw the soft voice you hid away from basically everyone. " Halibel cannot have children, nor the other women here, we tryed with different men for all of them. .yet, you are that last and Szayel was the best in my view for you," You shook your head violently, denial setting in after you finally heard the truth from a friend you loved dearly like a brother. Too caught in your own thoughts of hurt, the only thing that broke you was Aizen heated breath touching your cheek. " I know you love him _____, and if this doesn't work out, I will try next, " By the end of his words, his tone became vacant, blank to you, forgetting you even thought of him as a brother, resent forming in your mind with this place you called home, with Aizen and Szayel. You moved your head to the opposite side, giving Aizen the indacation you wanted him to just leave you alone at that point. He only smiled, kissing you softly on the cheek, leaning back up, heading towards that door. " Be gentle Szayel, its her first time, " Before you could reply to his shallow remark, the sound of the door shutting making your mouth shut. In defeat, your head fell onto the cold penal, the pain not even being an issue just because your emotions of hate and denial overpowered everything you thought or felt. Szayel watched your body become limp, pouting little. He loved your short temper, and knew you were goingt to fight him the whole way until he was fully inside of you. His eyes narrowed at the thought, hating that Aizen broke your spirit before he could even grasp it. Your eyes never left the ceiling, the tears you held in for so long beginng to blur your vision. It was as if you lost everything you alwayed took for granted, Aizen and someone you would have liked to fall in love with was just. .messed up. " Don't be so upset _____, I will take care of you, " Your eyes wandered down as he spoke to you in a soothing voice, seeing his hands shred away the little clothing they left on your body while you were sleeping. The panic became real again once again you felt the last piece of clothing leave your quivering being. Your mind thought through every little thing you could do just to stall this whole process. The panicing feeling became to overwhelem everything as his body hovered above yours, that same little smirk still on his pale lips since this whole situation began. " I love you . . .Szayel. .I don't want us to be together like this. ." The lie was only half of what you wanted, actully feeling some type of emotion to Szayel. His eyes never left yours as you spoke words he never heard from a woman nor man. " Love is such a common word now, why should I - " Just by a reaction of his doubt, your lips smashed against his, being that your arms were locked down, the only way to deep the kiss without embracing him was arching your back, your chest pressing against his own. Like you wanted, his hands gripped the back of your neck, his tougne begging for entrance, granting his request without hesitation. Yet, you knew he wouldn't stop, his hands letting go of your neck, grasping your thighs to make them wrap around his lanky waist. The dominance in his body made yours dim down, his lips muffling any moan that would leave yours by his wandering hands. His hand moved around more, wanting to here his name whimper out of your mouth for the first time. Another moan left your lips once again, breaking away from the the kiss to give him what he wanted. " Szayel . ." the whisper was almost as silent as a mouse, a smug smirk appearing on his face. After achieving his first goal, he thought there was no more of a need to make you aroused, the emotions of this event fadding away into nothing. By how his hands gripped your inner thigh, pushing them apart, you knew he was you had one last chance. " Wait, Szayel. .not like this. ." Your voice began to crack, seeing by his face, your words did nothing to change what he was after all along. " You know its not love ____, don't plan dumb," Tears finally began to fall, the shallowness in his voice hurting you more then you ever thought it would. Screams of pain filled the room and beyond, putting a smile on Aizens' face. " I told him to be gentle with her, the first time is never fun for a woman, especially if she is forced into consent. . " Gin only chuckled at his friends remark, the whole room becoming dead silent just to hear your crys for help again. . How You Told Him: Your eyes stayed to the floor, not wanting to see anyone's faces, not wanting to see his. Your hands held your stomach, resentment fadding away as you thought about something actully growing inside of you. You knew you were preguant since the time you were back into your bed after Szayel was done with. A month has passed since the day your child was produced, Aizen wanting an update, leading you to this day. " The nurses say you are fully in the stages of preguance," All you did was nod at Aizens statement, seeing his feet come to your narrow view from looking down. " Are you ever going to speak to me or the father of your child, " Without hesitation, your head shook no, tears welling up once more, your mind reviewing every painfull detail over and over again. Still, the vow of silence overpowered any little thing you wanted to spat at all of them. " Umm I see. ." His voice paused, his lips moving closer and closer to your ear. " I guess next time we will have our night. . " By that he was gone, the others following him like a pet. The tears dropped from your eyes, glossing the stone floor. Your tears fell until they hit a pale hand, knowing it was Szayel. His hand gently gripped your chin, bringing up your head to be greeted by a small smirk on his face. " Don't be too upset ____, Aizen knows once I have something, it will be mine until I thinks of it as trash. ." As he finished, his lips gently touched yours only for a moment before parting. " I still have use for you. ." That was the last thing he said before gripping your hand with ease, leading you away from the torment he once brought upon you. Now you can make up he rest ^_^

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