Tuesday 30 December 2008

What Bleach Character is Your Baby's Daddy^_^ { Part #4}

How it Happened: " We should go out or something, " Your voice made its way to Orihimes ear, her desk not being too far away. " Where? its the middle of the day. " You shrugged your shoulders to her, not knowing what to say, seeing that she was right. " After school, you, Ichigo, and Chad meet me at my house, we'll decide then, " She nodded, soon realizing you didn't say one friend they were close to as well. " What about Uuryu, " You shrugged you shoulders again, never really getting along with Uuryu in the way of Ichigo and Chad. " Whatever, he can come. ." Your muttering brought a huge grin to Orihimes' face, standing up to get even closer to you. You watched as her finger made its way only a few inches away from your noses, starting in boredom. " You like Uuryu, don't lie, " One eyebrow rose, looking into her eyes, seeing she really thought that. " Isn't he gay. .he sures acts like that. ." Again you muttered, the lie leaking from your words, knowing Orihime would see that. " Oh hush _____, tonight, its your night, we will stay out of your way, " Before you could answer her in a bad manner, she skipped away, leaving the room probably to find Ichigo and Chad. A extreme exhale came from your mouth, staring out of the window, not wanting to think about Uuryu anymore. You weren't lying when you said you didn't get along with him. He was just so gay in a way, it always made you want to make fun of him, making Uuryu hate you for that. Since then, you never really talked to Uuryu. That was the last thought before passing out on your desk, missing every class after that one. You awoke as the last long bell rang, getting up. As soon as you realized you slept your life away, your palm connected to your forehead, running out of the classroom to reach Orihime before she started walking home. Thanking god she waited when you say her orange hair blow in the wind. The little thing you didn't see was Uuryu was with her until it was too late. Uuryu eyes narrowed at the sight of you, only grinning from his resentment. " Oh, hey ____, I was just inviting Uuryu to are date tonight, " Your mind was somewhere else, observing every part of his body for your own satifaction. Finally breaking away from his nerd like trance, you answered. " Oh, alrighty. .maybe you can do my hair Uuryu, " Orihime nudged in annoyance, grinning at Uuryu as well. " Whatever, " That was all he said before parting ways. You watched his back until you cringed in pain from a pinch that Orihime gave you. " Why would you do that ____, you will never get him when you embarrass him, " You rolled your eyes at her true conclusion on your relationship with Uuryu, feeling guilty from thinking about what you just said. " Whatever, he's such a baby. ." Your words were harsh and uncaring, trying to hide your true feelings, knowing that Orihime knew you too well to fall for that. " Yup, but you love him and tonight is your night, now lets go, I have to get you ready. " You groaned in annoyance as Orihime dragged you to your house without hearing a yes from you for her whole plan. Yet, knowing she would never stop, you went along with her, your house not too far from the school anyways. With that, didn't take long for you two to get there, already laying your bed while Orihime searched your closet. " I swear. .you ahve nothing . ." You only smiled, thanking heavens she didn't find anything she liked until you heared her speak again. " Wow. .this is . .perfect! " Her squeal made you jump up, seeing her find something in the depths of your messy room. " Go, put this on. ." Yours eyes rolled to a new height, ripping the clothes away from Orihime, locking yourself in your bathroom. You knew she would be supisious if you stayed in there for a long time, leaving with a disgusted look on your face. " I look horrible, I hate this. ." Orihime watched you in aww, knowing she loved if more then you ever will. " No! your wearing that and thats final!" Not wanting to argue, you just shut up, sitting on a chair near your bed. " After i'm done, you guys will be together forever," Your mouth cringed at the thought, images of just seeing Uuryu in that way was kinda hard, getting use to it after awhile. The day passed on faster then you thought it would, looking into the mirror while Orihime got dressed for Ichigo. " Hey _____, you here, its Ichigo. ." When is voice echoed through your house, your first reation was zooming down the stairs, forgetting everything Orihime taught you. You knew it was too late when you saw Uuryu stare paralize you. It seemed that he was the same as you, as both of your bottoms drop from the images you protrayed for eachother. " Ahh. .guys. ." Chad sulking voice brought you both out of your trances, you shaking your head slightly. Ichigo smiled at what he saw, seeing that Orihime told hims as well. A blush ran over face as Uuryu leaned towards Ichigo, mouthing something you could not comperhend. Shaking of your emotions for now, you slowly walked down the stairs greeting everyone like you always do, except for Uuryu that it. You really didn't know what to say, the akward silence filling the room until Orihime's voice broke the ice for you. " Why are you guys just standing there, lets go. " You were the first one to leave the house, inhaling as much cool air you could, trying to calm your nerves. Ichigo, Chad, and Orihime began to power walk ahead, seeing that they were using your laziness to stay with Uuryu alone. " So. .whats up. ." He smiled as you tryed to start something without an insult, your heart leaping all of a sudden. " Nothing really, just exhausted from school and everything along with that." You awwed in a saracstic way, locking your arms with his, your nerves fadding as you layed your head on his lean shoulder. " You complain too much, you should just act like your excited for once in your lifetime. ." You jerked back as he stopped walking after you said your last word, thinking he was offended by your comment. You let your hand drop, fully facing him. His glasses shimmered in the moonlight, a feeling coming to you whenever you were with him. " You look beautiful _____. ." the blush you had before came back in a instant, looking up to make eye contact only for a moment. " Ahh, thanks. ." He laughed at your reply, the lost of words giving him some type of control. Your body tensed up in a new kind of way as he leaned down, his lips gently grazing over your ear. " Do you love me, " His whisper echoed threw your ear, your heart aching from his plea. " . .yea. .I do . ." That was all Uuyru needed to hear before his lips captured yours. The heat from his embrace warmed you in every way, grasping the back of his neck to deepened the kiss. After coming back to reality, you broke the kiss, lookin into his deep blue eyes. There was nothing to say from then, interwining your hand with his, leading him back to your house. You opened your door as quiet as possible, forgetting your mom was gone for the week. Trying to get over the dumb moment, you led him to your room until he jerked you once more. " Wait _____. .aren't we rushing. ." Your eyes flew up annoyance, turning to face him slightly. " I knew you for eight years Uuryu. .we're not rushing anything, " Before he could say anything else you began to head towards your room once more, seeing when you weren't jerked back he finally gave in. In silence, you made your way in your room, shutting the door after he was in. He turned to face you, a faint blush protraying how nervous he was. Just before he spoke, your lips pressed against his, your tougne sliding against his. You knew he was done with the questions when you felt his hands starting to unzipp your dress, dropping it to the floor. Your did the same to his pants, the belt buckle slamming againt the floor. With ease, Uuryu stepped out of them, gripping you just enough for him to lay you on the bed. You smiled as you felt his lips roam you neck, wrapping your legs around his waist, runnning your hands threw his jet blue hair. " Do you love me. ." You repeated his question for his answer, him breaking away from your neck to looking into your eyes. " you don't even know ____. ." That was all he said, being enough for your nerves. A moan left your quivering lips, feeling his hands slip under your panties, leading to other things you wanted for so long. . . How You Told Him: Your head spun as you walked home, concerning Orihime even more then throwing up in the empty hallway. " Are you okay _____ ? " You nodded yes, not wanting her to be worryed about something that she had nothing to do with. " Do you know where Uuryu is? " She nodded just as you did, explaining where to find him. It didn't take long before you made it to the small forest, seeing him stare blankly at the scenery. " Uuryu. ." His head was the only movement, a smile appearing on his face. " Come over here. ." You obeyed the smiple favor, standing next to him as he began to stare forward once again. " Umm. .Uuryu. .i'm. ." His soft chuckle stopped you from your misery, looking up at him, still seeing the smile you loved plastered on his face. " I know. .just by how you act around me, I knew since you knew. ." You mind thought back to when you realized you were preguant, dating back to one month now. " So your not. ." Your words fadded as his hand intertwinned with yours, his eyes finally meetinf yours. " I love you ____. .there is now reason to be upset. ." Tears glossed your eyes, embracing him for him to not see. " I love you too Uuryu. ." Another smile made its way to his lips as his hands wrapped around you, holding you until you wanted him to let go. Now you make up the rest. ^_^

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