Tuesday 30 December 2008

What Bleach Character is Your Baby's Daddy^_^ { Part #5}

How it Happened: As soon as your eyelids fell, your head silently dropped only to be brought back up for your resistance on sleep. You hated whenever this type of sleep began to overwhelem your mind, knowing you seemed rude in a way when your head dropped then brought back up in a moment. Gin watched you go on with your self loathing, always finding your internal battles with sleep at mandatory meetings quite amusing. " You shouldn't do that _____, you know how Aizen acts. ." Gin's awoke you enough for you to come to reality, nodding when you were ready to have a decent conversation with your long time friend. " Yea, I know. .but I don't get it - " His eyes from the corner quickly captured yours as soon as the words left your lips, feeling everything you had in your fade away. The smirk he always held with you still held his legenacy to you, never getting use to the image, resulting into weak knees. " Is there anything you would like to discuss Miss ______. ." You kept your emotions of heat in control, standing up fully without slouching beside Gin. " Nope. ." You knew he hated when one to three sentences answered his question. Just by how his eyes glistened in annoyance you knew it was all over, you one once again in a very short verbal battle. " Please _____, we all are dying to hear what you have to say. " His brown eyes darken in a way that made your heart leap in a way it only did with him. Not wanting to say much, your simple answer to his spot lited question coming out smoothly. " I rather not. ." Just when his golden smirk dropped, you knew it was all over, your game ending on a bad note in his mind and yours. You knew Aizen was upset by your silly games as you saw him let the whole situation go, turning towards the Espada, regaining the topic he left only a moment ago. It hurt you slightly by how he reacted to a small joke you two played upon since you have known him. Shaking it off as if it was nothing, you continued to wander throughout your mind, the time passing as all the voice faded away. The only thing that broke you away from whatever you were thinking about was presence of Gin leaving from beside you, your head moving back up just in time to see Aizen walking towards you. It was natural to feel your heart begining to race when your eyes made contact with his until he stopped, leaning against his stretched table. " Why do you think your above us all _____," You knew he was serious by the way he was acting, hope of anything happening fading away just like his smile. " Being around you is all I need to become cocky, " He snikered at your remark, taking another few steps towards you. There was no threat from him, seeing that you knew him for so long, he wouldn't hurt you in any way. " You think your so cute. ." You shrugged in a knowing way, an arrogant smile protraying your confidence. Your smile soon dropped, only seeing Aizen again when he had you pressed against the stone wall. You tryed to rip away his grasp, only making him have more control when he brought your hands above your head, leaning in until he face was not too far away from yours. " Do you think this is a game ____, " You watched him in confusion, lost from his sudden actions. " A game for what exactly? " Even in this dominanting situation, your confidence gave way, only making Aizen want you more. You saw the wanting in his eyes, seeing he did nothing to hide his sin. You knew he delayed his answer to move closer towards you, his heated breathes exposed on your ear. " Everything you and I have wanted for a very long time. ." You exactly what he meant in his deep whisper, only confused of first person, meaning "I" that refered to him. " I can f*ck you here and now _____. ." His words flowed through his seductive voice, pressing into until he knew you felt something that instantly brought a overwheleming blush to your face. By that, he knew he was finished, moving back little to see the plea of domination in your eyes. " But. .I won't. ." Your hands dropped as soon as he let them go, giving you one last teasing smirk before turning away, heading towards a vacant hallway. " Wait. .what was this Aizen, why did you - " His sadistic chuckle tingled your skin, multiple shivers coming along as he spoke, mocking you. " Because. .I can. ." Silence engulfed everything except your mind, Aizen fadding away in the dark way towards his master room. His words skipped threw your thoughts until the sunlight died away to make a deep crimson. You layed on your soft bed, the cieling showing you images until you pulled away, blinking a couple of time. Anaylsising his words to a T, the realization of him tease came to you. The way he was going to win was to be inside you, inside the place you couldn't escape him. Yet, why? You asked yourself until you felt sick inside. He always had Menoly and Lolly, guessing their were failing on their specific occupations. Making Aizen lean towards you for fulfillment in ways you couldn't give him just for the heat of the moment. After the sky filled with navy, you came to a conclusion. You slowly made your way down the lonely hallway, the wind being the only sound that made its way to your focused ears. It didnt' take you long until his door towered above you. " What are you doing here _____, " Lolly voice overpowered the weak wind, a smile protraying your annoyance. " To see Aizen. .wheres Menoly. ." By her sick grin, you knew everything. Not wanting to hear her once again, your hand turned the knob to his room, fear hidden in your heart. Too your surpise, the room was vacant with whores, Aizen eyes capturing yours when you fully saw his form. Menoly giggled behind you with Lolly, their joke hitting closer to home then you thought it would. Getting one swift look from Aizen, the vanished in speed, knowing it was their time of departure. " Ahh, _____, you here, " His caring voice threw you off guard, slowly shutting the door to hide the blush that formed just by his tone. A small gasp left your lips as his hands slid up and down your shoulders, stopping at the crook of your neck. Knowing what he wanted, you turned to face his smirk, his eyes making their way to yours. " I want to know. ." Your words fell silent, lossing everything you ever thought about in a instant. " Know what _____. ." His whisper mocked yours, leaning in more to feeling his exhale collide with yours. " I want to know why your doing this. ." Knowing him for too long, you knew what he was going to say before he said it. " And please. .please don't say just because you can again. ." He chuckled at your plead, obeying it with an honest answer you desevered. " Because. .I want this, because you want this. ." His lips grazed over yours as he spoke, fully capturing yours after he finshed his reason. Your body tensed in a way that pain was made, letting of some hestiation to grasp his clothed back. Aizen watched you every moment, taking your weakness to guide his tougne next to yours, fully closing his eyes when the jolt of pleasure ran threw his body. You didn't feel his movement until your back pressed against the wall, his lower torso breaking threw your clamped legs, your feet barely touching the floor. " Wait. .Aizen. ." You whimpered as his lips guided down your neck to your upper chest, still alittle against this sudden change of friendship. " Enough waiting _____. .let me win. ." You knew nothing would stop his ways, moaning as he pulled threw your clothes with ease. Soon to leave nothing but your panties on, your arms hidding your breast. By his sudden change from a smile to a frown, you knew he wasn't into that type of embarrassment. Being just like the time earlier in the day, without any real effort, your hands pressed against the stone wall, a blush taking over as his grin reappeared. After getting his fill, he let your legs and arms drop, moving away from you. Confusion parted the silence in your mind as Aizen backed away, moving aside your panties just enough for you to stop him. Your innocence only made him want you more, shaking off your loss grip, a moan filling the room as his hand disappeared behind the cotton fabric. After seeing he had a rythmn, he moved closer, bringing one of your legs higher for easier entrance. " You seem like you already peaked _____, I haven't even done much. ." Your eyes shut, not caring about what he said at the moment until you felt his lips cross over your ear. " Your dripping. . ." His twisted saying made a whimper to give way to show your shyness, your head laying upon the crook of his neck for some type of sercuity. His echoing chuckle brought chills threw your body as he began to move with you once more. Knowing it was was your first time of this sensation, other roleplaying would not be necessary for you just by your low tolerence rate. His hand being enough to prepare you for him. . . How You Told Him: Your eyes moved back and forth from the floor to Aizen as he spoke, trying to find a simple way to tell him you were carrying his child. You could see he was upset with you from not coming to his room in the last week just by how he never made eye contact. " When will you tell him, " Gin voice broke you from your thoughts, looking up at his smiling face. You shrugged to his questio, knowing you didn't have an answer for him right now. Soon the meeting was over, silence echoing threw the room, looking up to see Aizen leaning against the table. " You I hate when you think you could do this. ." Your eyes never left his as you began to walk to him, his cool smirk aching your heart like always. " I didn't mean to hurt you Aizen . ." His chuckle of amusment hurt you abit, your tears begining to form as your hand ran over his clothed chest. Seeing he didn't want to make the first move, your hands embrace his wide body, bearing your head into his chest. " You think you can hide this from me, " His hand carrassed your stomach, his voice mocking your not so well hidden secret. " I didn't mean too, I was just scared. .I love you Aizen. ." His lips touched your head, his other hand rubbing your back. " I know. ." That was all he said, seeming from that, that everything was going to be alright. Now you can make up the rest on your own.^_^

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