Saturday 10 January 2009

Saiyuki Thirty Minutes in Heaven [Long and detailed results]

You were sitting in the guys' room with them at the inn you were currently staying at, when Lirin burst through the open window."Prepare yourselves, Sanzo Party!" She called."Not today Lirin." You sighed."Yeah. Today isn't much of a fighting day." Goku said, bored, but not wanting to beat people up.Kougaiji, Yaone, and Dokugakuji entered via the window as well. You all kind of glanced at them, but didn't really care."Lady Lirin, you simply must stop running away like that!" Yaone pleaded."Hey, hey, onii-chan! Somethin's wrong with everyone!" Lirin bounced up and down in front of Kougaiji."Oh, no," Hakkai said. "Nothing is wrong. We just had an encounter with a large group of Youkai earlier.""Yeah, the same old routines getting..."Gojyo began."Old?" You supplied. He nodded.Then he grinned. Something you didn't like. "Let's play a game."Lirin and Goku leaped around him excitedly in a circle chanting "Game game game!""Well, it wouldn't hurt I suppose." Hakkai said."Ch." Sanzo didn't even look up from his paper. "I don't play games.""Aww...c'mon Sanzo!" Goku begged."Yeah. This could be fun." You had to admit, you were bored out of your mind and a game sounded better than nothing."I'm in I guess." Dokugakuji said with a shrug."I...I guess I'll play." Yaone joined in."We don't have time for games." Kougaiji sighed. "We need the sutra.""Onii-chan!" Lirin pouted at him. "Pleeeeeeeeeeeease!"He sighed, his shoulders dropping. "Fine.""Yay!" Lirin began skipping around again."C'mon Sanzo. Play with us." Gojyo said."No.""Please?" Goku begged."No.""How about this," You said reasonably. "If you play, I'll keep the monkey and the kappa quiet in Jeep tomorrow.""Impossible.""Trust me. I can pull it off. And if I don't, you can beat us all senseless with your fan."He glanced up at you and with a defeated glare said, "Fine."Gojyo grinned. "Good, now that everyone's agreed there's no getting out of it! The game is: THIRTY MINUTES IN HEAVEN!!""Shoot 'im, Sanzo! Shoot him till he dies!" You yelled angrilly."You're the one who agreed to play." Gojyo shrugged."What's thirty minutes in heaven?" Goku asked, cocking his head to the side."Well...we'll make _______ go first. She'll spin a bottle to see who she goes in with, and then they have to go into a closet together for thirty minutes." Hakkai explained."Wait. WHY ME!?!" You bellowed angrilly."Shut up and spin. I want to get this over with." Sanzo growled."Fine."You spun the bottle and it went around how many times?13 timesYou spun the bottle and counted 13. Crap! That's unlucky! You looked up to see who it pointed at, but there was no one there. Instead, Gojyo was behind you. "You got me, you lucky lucky girl." Yep. Thirteen's definately unlucky.You made your way to the closet and gulped as he shut the door. "It's ok." He said. "I won't do anything if you tell me no." Your eyes widened in shock. "I don't believe in makin a girl do somethin she don't want to." You couldn't believe it. You had never seen this side of Gojyo before. You never knew he could be so incredibly...sweet.You gently put your hand on his cheek. You weren't really sure what you were doing. It was like your body had developed a mind of its own. You leaned up and kissed him softly. He put his hands on your shoulders, but refrained from doing anything else. You knew this wasn't enough for him. You knew he wanted more. But true to his word, he didn't force himself on you. "Stop holding back." You heard yourself breathe. "It's no fun that way. C'mon. Give it your all."And suddenly, he had unleashed himself upon you. Your back hit the wall as his lips pressed against yours intensly. He licked your bottom lip, but you wouldn't let him in. Next he tried nibbling it, but still you fought. He pulled away."Fine. If you won't let me in, I'll just have to make you." His hands slid up your shirt and he tickled your stomach gently. You tried to keep your mouth shut, really you did, but you couldn't help but laugh. And the next thing you knew his tongue was in your mouth. He tasted like ciggarettes and beer, but you didn't care. It felt so good, you couldn't bring yourself to. You struggled for dominance, determined not to let him have all the fun. Your fingers hooked into his long hair as he pulled you down to the floor. He sat on top of you, continuing the kiss. Finally, he won the battle, and began exploring your mouth. After a few minutes, he removed his lips from yours and brought them to your neck. He nibble, kissed, licked, and sucked up and down your neck. You moaned as he found your soft spot and went to town. "G-Go-Gojyo!" You moaned. You could feel his smirk. He started to unbutton your pants, but you stopped him. You were sure he was frowning."No. Not yet. Not here." And then you winked. He got what you meant and grinned, before kissing you again."TIME'S UP!" Lirin cried. Gojyo smirked and helped you up. You were about to exit the closet when he wrapped and arm around your waist and pulled you back."You can walk with me, _________. You're mine now." So you exited the closet together. Later that night, you went to his room, and let's just say he was a very happy man.This is my first quiz. Did you like it? Please rate.

Which Sanzo-Ikkou Guy Loves You

Sha Gojyo Loves You...
He's a very HOT lover and will ensure your life isn't at all boring in any way. He proclaims he loves you in the gifts he buys you, and the sweet words that come out of his mouth. However, you have your doubts about loyalty, yet your positive that he can change....-_-' yeah right...

Which Saiyuki Guy Would Marry You?

Your Groom is...Sha Gojyo!

Don't you feel special? The womanizer has actually decided to settle down with you! You're still not sure if he's going to be loyal, or how long he's gonna last. But, anyway, he loves you with all he's heart, and visa versa. At least you can count on having as much as you want, when you want!