Tuesday 30 December 2008

What Bleach Character is Your Baby's Daddy^_^ { Part #2 }

How it Happened: You eyes began to shut in bordom, the arguement with Kira and Renji was never going to end anytime soon, so you just it would be best if you fell asleep in the middle of this pointless verbal battle. You couldn't even remember what this was about, you didn't really care, all you knew was they were going to make up at the end and become great friends once again. " Hey, wake up _____! " You only waved at the shouting Renji, putting your arm over your eyes, showing you were not going to listen what so ever. " Come on _____, wake up, you have to listen, " The simpathic voice of Kira didn't work this time, turning to your side to make your back face the two men. They both just groweled, going back to arguing again. It seemed like it was never going to end until they both grew silent, making your eyes open. You turned around to see Kira bowing while Renji was dissmissed by the man that Kira was bowing to. " What is all the fuss about Kira, " His voice made your body cringe in discomfort, looking up to meet the face of the one and only Gin Ichimaru. You watched as he spoke down to Kira, only making you even more annoyed then before. You never really knew why you disliked Gin so much, but his arggrance was so irriating that it made you not what to be around him at all. You got up, making Gin turn his head towards you, that creepy smile still plastered on his smooth face. " Oh, I didn't feel you there _____, that just shows. . " He trailed of, already knowing what he would say. He alwayed made you feel like you were nothing, like you weren't even there. " Show's what Gin, " He smile only grew wider, some kind of unknown pleasure entering his body by how his name rolled of your tougne, only thoughts of you saying his name the same way but just in a much better situation. " It just shows that you are weak, " You rolled your eyes, trying your hardest not to make him get to you this time. You two continued your little insult conversation until something you really can't remember that he said a little remark that took you over the edge once again. Kira held you back as the rapid insults came from your mouth, trying to rip Gins' throat out. " F*ck you, i'm so f*cking done with your bullsh*t! " Gin only watched in excitiment, thoughts of how was going to persue his simple plan after everyone was off to bed and no one was left but you and him going threw a new experience, for you that is. Kira said his goodbyes to his Captian dragging you out of the room before you could get your hands around Gins' thin, pale neck. " You have to calm done _____, you can't left Captian Ichimaru get to you " Kira let you go after knowing you were far away from where Gin was at, by your room. " Whatever, having a short temper is going to be my downfall, " He laughed, messing up your hair alittle before giving you a big hug you alwayed loved. " Yea, I know, see you tommorrow alright and no more fights, " You nodded as you watched him vanish as he turned the corner, leaving you alone once again. After that, it was a blur. You woke up, still seeing it was dark outside, knowing that because you went to sleep really early to cool off. Taking no time to get off your bed, you left your room, entering a dimmly lighted hallway. There was just something about it though, you couldn't explain it. The hallway made you feel uneasy, made you feel like you were being watched. Soon, the silence broke from the chatting of the two familar voices of Renji and Kira. You sighed in relief, the uneasy feeling starting to subside, beggining to walk again. " What are you doing up so late _____, " His chilling voice made the feelings of insects run up and down your spin, looking up to make your eyes meet ones that were temperaily shut. " What the hell do you want now Gin, " Rolling your eyes again in annoyance, not wanting to see his face for the rest of the night, but here he is. " Oh nothing, just wanted to check up on you, " He began to walk up to you, trying not show you were intimidated by his presence. " Well, i'm fine, so can you please leave me alone now, " All you could think about was keeping your emotions incheck so you wouldn't wake up anyone or disturb the conversation with Renji and Kira on the high balcony. " There's something else, are you with Kira," Your eyebrow rose, your eyes narrowing at the fox looking man. " Why is that any of your business, " You folded your arms to show that you were basically impatiant with this, wanting to leave. " So, so cruel _____, will you ever warm up to me, " His tone made you feel as if he was mocking you, only making you angier towards him. "Nope, " Giving him one last smile, not wasting anymore time before begining to walk passed him. " I never said you could leave yet, did I, " You didn't even notice his cold, bony fingers move an inch until they were gripped around your neck, slamming you against the wall. Before you could say anything from a small whimper to a loud scream of pain, Gins' other hand gently covered your opened mouth. Your eyes grew wide as he slightly opened his own to show his icy blue eyes to you for the first time. For the few moments he held his eyes open, the deep trance began to engulf everything you knew, regaining yourself when he slowly closed them to appear as a fox again. " I guess this is the only way. ." The hand that gripped your neck slid away, moving to your thigh. With ease, his hand slipped inbetween your thighs, pushing one away from the other one. You shook your head violently, your screams to Renji and Kira muffled by his cold, pale hand. He laughed from your dead screams, his grin only growing bigger with ever attempt to get their attention. As one his one held you up, he moved away, looking down to see what you were wearing to see how difficult it would be to manuver around your simple clothing. Seeing you didn't have your full uniform on, it would be easy to penatrate without messing up your clothing in the slightest bit. His hand slowly pulled away your clothes, along with your underwear, rolling it aside so it would just go back to its original place. Tears began to stream down your face as his hands pushed away his own clothing, feeling 'it' press against your lower stomach. " Aww, don't cry, its alright, I promise," His hand moving away from your lower area to wipe away your tears. Gins' remark only made you sob more, breaking away from his shut eyes to look at Kira in a blur with the tears messing up your eyesight. " You will soon love me, " He turned away to look at Renji and Kira as well, his smile dropping only for a second before appearing right back when he faced you again. Just by that, you knew Renji and Kira would never see you two, the hope fadding away. " Its alright. ." That was the last thing he whispered before moving on to the next stage of something you had no control of. Soon, the voices of your friends fadded away, showing the sign of defeat as your head tryed to find some type of comfort in the crook of Gins' neck, your hands cupping his back for support. With that, his hand moved away from your lips, gripping your other thigh just like his other hand, holding you up with uneeded support just to make you more comfortable. After that, it was just a broken blur. . How You Told Him: The pressure of Aizen still resinated in the air, knowing Gin wasn't far behind. He couldn't just leave you in this state, you were so confused. Looking everywhere, you could find one single clue of where he would be, the tears you hated fell down your reddened face, your heart aching at that point. You didn't know what to do if he really left you behind, you loathed yourself for having the feelings of compassion for him, for feeling something for a man that just took what he wanted without even asking. He was right though, you did fall in love with him. From that night on, you came to his room, wanting to find that comfort you only found with him and no one else. With thought still in mind, your tears stopped, the pressure of Kaname, Aizen, and Gin inflicted your body. You turned around, greeted with Gins' sly smirk. " I knew you would warm up to me in time, " Your eyes once again met his icy blue ones, your heart beating in a irregular pace once again. " So your not going to leave me?, " He shook his head no, holding out his hand for you to take. Just as if he read your mind, you knew he already knew that you were actully carrying his child. By that, you vanished to your new homes, knowing it wouldn't be that bad loving a man that stole something from you only a few months ago. Now you guys can make up the rest on your own ^_^

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