Monday 22 December 2008

30 Mins in Bleach Heaven

Kisuke Urahara

OH! and before we start, Kisuke is still a captain. but its a squad that isnt currently there. like 3. Unohana's not there so it worx.u reach in and pull out a fan from the bag. "Umm. ok i like fans." u say. Kisuke stands and says, "HEY! theres my fan!" he snatched it from u and turned to Yuroichi. "U sneaky sneaky bitch." he says. she merly smiles and says, "Have fun," as she pushes u two into the closet. she slams the door shut and u both hear the deadbolt lock. "Well. having fun, ______?" he asks u. "Yea, u?" u reply. u hear the fan opening and hear him faning himself. "Oh. im very good." "Oh? and y is that?" u ask. he sounded closer now. then suddenly his voice is right behind ur ear as he stands behind u. "Because i got put in here with u." u blush. "And y does that make u happy?" u ask, gulping. he laughs."Because ur to goddamn beautiful for ur own good. Zaraki's been staring at u all night. u should be carefull. he might DO something to u." "And, U wouldnt do things to poor lil ol me, would u?" u asked, purposly making ur tone as sexy as u could manage. he felt him smirk as he burrowed his head in ur neck. "Only if u want me to" he says. "Hold that thought," u whisper. u leave him to go kick the door with the back of ur foot. u hear Matsumoto's, Yuroichi's, Yachiro's, Hinamori's, Renji's and Ichigo's snickering. u send out ur Zanpactou to the back of the room that they were in. u shot it toward the closet u were in. u hear them dodge it and the sword barley grazing the wooden door. u would pay Orihime for it later. right now u had other things on ur mind. u turned to Kisuke and kissed him with as much force as possible.he was aken aback at first but quickly gave in, things progressed VERY quickly. when u came outta the closet, u looked fine but u hadred marks all over ur neck. he sat u down in between his legs as he stretched out on the floor, leaning against the wal. he whispered in ur ear, "Will u be mine?'" u decide from here. plz rate and message plz. it IS my birthday after all

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