Monday 22 December 2008

Information on Berry-chan (Bleach Style)

Name: Belial (but no one uses my given name (Belial)because they know I go insane if they do (Belial means "worthless").Shunsui-taichou calls me Berry-chan though. My last name is Sotona.

Age: SECRET(but I look like 16 year old though I'm few years older)(So,trying to put it simple I look younger than I really am).

Gender: Female and I like it though sometimes others say I act like a man (morals,behaviour).

Race: Shinigami.

Rank: 8th Division, 3rd Seat.(moved recently from 7th Division)

Zanpakuto Information...

Name: Zankoku No Uzu (Cruel Swirl).

Sealed Form: Two metal fans (about foot long). I carry them in "pockets" attached by leather stramps attached to my thighs. When I want to take them out I turn them (the fan on my right leg clock-wise,on my left leg against clock-wise) and I can easily pull them out of the metal pockets. Otherwise they are blocked so that they don't fall out if I run or something like that. Each fan is attached to a glove by a wire/string.When I spin it around it's like a circular saw,it good at short and long distance but in that second option I have to "dance" (control the saw with my whole body movement).

The incantation to realese shikai is "Kizu" ("cut,injure"). The fans cut through EVERYTHING. Not only the fan but also the string is deadly with a poison Cantarella on it (based on arsenic).

Bankai release technic is "Katsu" ("Rip"), the fan copies itself into thousands and attacks the opponent at once and rip into shreads. When I release bankai a shadow in a form of an angel with enormous wings appears behind me, shielding me with its wings. I'm also skilled with handguns and I have a perfect aim. But i can't use something like a staff or a sword... I also see bits of future in my dreams but I forget them after I wake up. I remember them a second or two before the thing actually happens,so it's not only useless but also very annoying at time, for example when you already know exacly what someone will say.

Description: 5'6" (170cm) , I'm skinny and my breasts are not so big (B-cup) so don't talk about them ^_^' I've got brown hair, long at the front with a fringe, and an inch long and spiky at the back of my head. My eyes look pretty strange. I say they are grey because they are light brown around the pupil, the rim of the iris is blue and the rest of the iris is grey and green so go figure it out what colour it is. I always have long nails, currently in bloody red colour with black (french-like) tips.

Personality: I look cute and I act like a little girl in front of others because I found out it makes things easier when they think your an idiot. They never expect what I will do next. I don't care what others say about me because they come and go and I stay. I constantly talk and I'm really loud. I'm also easy to throw a fit. I tend to have mood swings every few hours or even minutes...But I’m not a bad girl,I just do bad things. I'm pretty lazy too,though very persistant. If I want something I get it,and I can drive people mad by it. I try to hide the pain and hatred for myself behind my hyperness because I don't belive anyone would care anyway. People say I'm pretty mercyless in a battle and badass most of the time but most people don't have to know that I really care a lot,right? And I like kids very much. Guess "Bitch" by Meredith Brooks describes me pretty well. And if someone doesn't like it it's their problem,not mine. I am willing to be friend with most people so it's up to them if theye are willing to keep up with me.

General likes: Sweet and spicy food, art, music, martial arts(espacially my street-fighting practise ^^),colours black and bloody red , but purple and silver are nice too, reading,smoking cigarretes,drinking alcohol, TALKING.

General dislikes: Cold things,math,yellow colour,ordering me around or treating me inferior.

Talents: Lying ^^', I'm a good actress...and pretty manupulative too. Using hand-guns, krav-maga.

Fears: Hights, water reservoirs larger then a bathtub (yes,I'm kind of afraid or water), butterflies.

Best friends:I'm friends with Rangiku-chan and Shunsui-taichou(and we drink a
lot together too),Kira-kun, Yoruichi-chan, Nanao-chan, Renji-kun, Orihime-chan,Gin.

Enemies: Mayuri-taichou and Aizen-taichou(how could he just leave us,his squad, like that?!?)(I was in Squad 5 at that time).

People you couldnt give a -insert word here- about: Tousen, Hinamori, Kon, Nemu, Yumichika,(if a person isn't here or in enemies section it means I generally like this person.)

Zodiac symbol: Twins

Zodiac Element: Air

Domicile: Mercury

Subgroup: Mutable Sign

Number of the House: 3rd

Gemstones: Agate, Peridot, Tigereye, Citrine

Metal: Mercury

Flowers: Lily of the Valley, Lavender

Countries: English speaking countries: England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, USA, Australia

Animals: Small birds such as sparrow, parrot, also butterfly.

Characteristics considered positive:
- Adaptable-
Articulate (able to express thoughts and feelings easily and clearly)
- Communicative
- Inquisitive (wanting to discover as much as you can about things, sometimes in a way that annoys people)
- Intellectual
- Charming
- Multitasking
- Nimble (quick and exact in either in movements or thoughts)
- Entertaining
- Upbeat (full of hope, happiness and good feelings)
- Witty (using words in a clever and funny way)
- Whimsical (unusual and strange in a way that might be amusing or annoying)
- Straight-forward (or blunt as same say)
- Open-minded
- Enthusiastic
- Attention-loving
- Playful
- Out-going
- Adventurous
- Mind oriented
- Verbal ('you-just-won't-shut-up' might be better ^^' )
- Friendly
- Dynamic (having a lot of ideas and enthusiasm; energetic and forceful)
- Youthful

Characteristics considered negative:
- Dualistic
- Self-ineterested
- Restless (unwilling or unable to stay still or to be quiet and calm, because you are worried or bored)
- Over-talkative
- Over-stimulated
- Fickle (likely to change your opinion or your feelings suddenly and without a good reason)/ Inconsistent
- Vain (too interested in your own appearance or achievements)
- Critical (and blunt)
- Too playful
- Playing of mind games
- Boastful
- Ego-oriented
- Tricky (likely to deceive people)
- Too curious
- Temperamental (describes someone whose mood tends to change very suddenly)
- "Two-faced"
- Insensitive
- Mercurial (changing suddenly and often/lively and quick)

Ideal careers: Architect, archaeologist, comedian, teacher, model, playwright, diplomat, public speaker, singer, author, psychologist, poet, musician, journalist, lawyer, movie writer or director, debater/politician.

Likes: Talking, the unusual, teaching, learning, different things in life, having multiple projects all going at once, traveling, making jokes, jet-setting

Dislikes: Feeling tied down, losing, being wrong, being in a bad situation, mental inaction, being alone, not getting credit for one's successes.

Berry=chan looks more or less like in the picture though her hair is brown and it's shorter and spiky at the back.

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